Monday 15 June 2009

Class 8a the Abridged Series - chapter 1

Second day of the 1st semester. The class was divided in to 2, 8a and 8b. Shirou and Alex went to 8a, The girls went to 8b and the rest 8a. So 8a for guys and 8b for girls. The girls was very sad because they can't admire Shirou and Alex's face while they're bored in the middle of Mr. Sang class.

Today the class start and end normally. But before the class start, there was a ceremony for the end of the festival. The principal gave some announcement at the end "The winner of the best shop in the entire Academy are ex-class 7a!!!!!!!!!!!!". Shirou and Alex were forced to received the trophy and gifts as the ex-leader and ex-vice leader of class 7a. Shirou took the gifts while Alex the trophy. Then they went up on to the podium and said "We just wanna say that we can't win this without the ex-members of class 7a!! We want to thank you for all your hard work and to all of you that always support us through thick and thin" said Alex, "hey, Alex this isn't you winning a mathematic competition you know. So that one is too much" said Shirou. "we're really thankful !!!" he continued. Then after that everybody clapped and Shirou and Alex smiled. As usual their smile melts all the girls mentally, except for Robina. Well logically she's not a girl, she only look like a girl but deep down in her heart she's actually a boy. So have to stop call her (or him) a 'she'. Then the ceremony ends.

After the ceremony ends, Robina and some other kids from 8b went out for PE class. Robina use the emergency stairs. Then there was some OB carrying stuff up stairs through the emergency stairs. Unluckily one of the OB slipped and crashed Robina. OB and the stuff were ok, sadly Robina fell from the 4th floor. Robina must be very happy because this is the first time she fell in the 8th grade. YAY!

The school end normally. But after school Shirou, Alex and some of the boys planned to go to cinema to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Princess. As usual the girls will do ANYTHING to watch it with Shirou and Alex. In the end the girls went there with them. After the movie, Shirou and Alex were offered to play in some commercial show by some gays from some TV company. They give them a paper with the place and date for the audition written on it. Then Misty that accidentally saw them with some gays from some TV company said "If you guys wanna be an actor I'll be your number one fan forever!!! Kyaaaaaaa". "we'll be happy to have a cute fans like you" said Alex. Once again they smiled and their smiles make Misty fainted.

the sentences b4 the last sentence in paragraph 2 is true. And sadly, Robina resemble someone in the real life. But we don't want to say who she (or he) is.

-Lethal Hacker and Bloody Rose-

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